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2 Machines You Can Build From Home

One of the benefits of living in a capitalist, first-world country is that nearly everything you could ever want is available for purchase from anywhere at any time. However, sometimes the things you need are beyond what you can afford. Here are two typically expensive items that you can learn to build or repair yourself.

1. Automobiles

While building a car, truck or motorcycle might be out of reach for many people, making extreme repairs to a vehicle you already own is a much more reasonable goal. Even the cheapest junk car has the potential to become a powerful beast if treated and repaired the correct way. You can find used truck body parts in countless venues all over the country from mechanic shops, to car dealerships, to yard sales. If you know what you are doing or are willing to learn, the vehicle you create will be reliable to …

Preparing Your Home For Winter

Winter can take a toll on your home and property. Cold temperatures and snow can crack sidewalks and rupture pipes inside and outside of your house. Preparing for the season can take the headache out of emergency repairs by preventing them before they start. Here are a few tips to winterize your place.

Dig Out From the Snow

Make sure your snowblower starts up and you have plenty of shovels on hand before the snow plow goes by. Take your gas can down to the service station and fill it up in case the weather gets bad. You will also want to make a trip to the hardware store to purchase any additive you will need for the machine to make it run smoothly. Buy ice melt to sprinkle on your driveway and sidewalks. This will break up the ice so that those walking there will be safe from falling. Read the …