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September, 2019 | Automotive Buddies

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Cars and Natural Disasters

Owning a car is never inexpensive. After the initial purchasing expense, even if you don’t have monthly payments you will be responsible for insurance costs, gasoline, regular maintenance, and the inevitable unplanned repairs or servicing. Even though the costs can be overwhelming, cars provide an excellent source of transportation to get you to work or social activities! If you’ve chosen to own a car, it’s a good idea to be aware of what you should do if you have the unpleasant experience of being victimized by a natural disaster. In any situation, though, it’s likely that calling your insurance company first is the best route to go!

Hailstorm Damage

A hailstorm, though it can be exciting and different, can be a disaster for car owners. While hail is often small and insignificant, if it’s large it can wreak havoc on your belongings. Hail can cause incredible damage to your car …

Behind the Scene at Your Local Filling Station

Topping off your tank at a local gas station is a common weekly occurrence. In fact, many people don’t even think about the routine unless gas prices have skyrocketed and their wallet feels pressure at the pump. If you have ever stopped to think about the overall design and services of a gas station, you would be amazed at what it takes to operate safely and successfully.

There is More Than Meets the Eye

 When an ideal location for fueling up undergoes gas station construction, the start of the work begins underground. At each station, the underground tanks are what feed pumps to deliver the fuel. There may be up to five underground tanks, each a submerged pump, automatic line leak detector, tank gauge monitoring, an alarm system to prevent overfilling, and anodes to prevent corrosion. This way gas stations can safety deliver tens of thousands of gallons of …