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Types Of Penetrating Oils:Applications | Automotive Buddies

Types Of Penetrating Oils:Applications

Water Soluble Or Emulsion Penetrating Oil

The formula of water-soluble penetrating fluids contains a large amount of water. They can also be diluted with water to achieve a concentration less than 10%. These oils are suitable for materials that can be harmed by extremely concentrated solvents containing harsh chemicals.

Straight Oils 

Straight oils are non-emulsifiable products that are utilized undiluted in machining processes. They’re made up of mineral or petroleum oils with polar lubricants like fats, vegetable oils, esters, or extreme pressure (EP) additives like chlorine, sulfur, and phosphorus added in. 

Synthetic or Semi-synthetic Penetrating Oil

Silicone, polyglycol, esters, (CFCs), and combinations of synthetic fluids and water are used to make synthetic and semi-synthetic penetrants and penetrating oils. Synthetic fluids provide the best fire resistance and are the most expensive.

Applications For Penetrating Oils

Products like Industrial penetrating oil are used to loosen rusty bolts and nuts, as well as to quiet squeaky hinges and suspensions. It can help guard against corrosion and salinity. It should primarily fulfill three functions: lubrication, protection, and moisture removal. 

Penetrating oils should help minimize heat and friction, as well as reduce noise between squeaky and corroded parts when used for lubrication. Salt and water, which can cause rusting and corrosion, should be resistant to a good penetrating oil. Finally, these oils must allow water and moisture to be displaced from the parts.

The following are just a few of the components that can benefit from penetrating oils: 

  • Mechanical parts (such as nuts and bolts)
  • Metal surfaces 
  • Air tools
  • Chains
  • Casters
  • Gears
  • Electrical terminals