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Becoming a Trucker | Automotive Buddies

Becoming a Trucker

If you are looking for a new career, becoming a truck driver may be a great one to do. It is an important industry that transfers goods all over the country. There will always be a need for qualified drivers. Here are a few things to think about before becoming a trucker.

You’ll Need a License

A good driving record is required when you go to get your commercial driver’s license. Once you obtain one, any violation you incur, even while in a personal vehicle, can cost you higher fines. You will also want to get special permits that allow you to operate a variety of trucks.

You’ll Work Long Hours        

When you become a driver, you can expect to put in a lot of work. You are allowed to drive up to eleven hours in one day while spending fourteen on duty. While it’s a lot of time, it does mean you will get a nice paycheck. Keep in mind that some jobs may take you from one side of the country to the other.

You’ll Incur Extra Costs

Driving a lot means you will incur some extra costs. Diesel fuel will be a variable throughout the different parts of the country. If you ever break down, you may have to call fleet roadside assistance. Some parts of the truck you may be able to fix but having your vehicle out of service can cost you more than just repair bills. Time lost can also be money you aren’t making on a run.

You’ll Have to be Healthy

You should be in overall good health if you want to be a trucker. You will be required to get a physical done, and most places will make you do it yearly. They need to make sure you can be alert and handle the wear driving puts on your body. Sitting down for long periods of time can be unhealthy, so when you are not driving you should be active.

Trucking can be a great job for those who can do it. The more you want to work, the more money you can make.