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London’s Best Motorcycle Training | Automotive Buddies

London’s Best Motorcycle Training

If you have got used to traveling to work on the overcrowded, stuffy and sometimes smelly tube, but don’t exactly enjoy it, you may want to think about riding a motorcycle to work. Riding a bike gives you that same exhilarating feeling as riding a horse does, and it allows you to avoid all those crowded Tube trains, and see a different side of the city as you weave in and out of traffic. And it means no more tackling tourists with huge suitcases on the Tube or bus, although you’ll still have to brake for them on your bike.

If you feel you aren’t getting the most out of your overpriced London public transport card or pass, you aren’t alone. Just think – no more paying for a travel card every week or month when you ride your bike to and from work.

Your blood pressure may be higher than it should if you have to drive in traffic or fight crowds on the bus or Tube every day, and you can do something about that by riding a bike to work. It’s also a lot easier to park your motorbike, as it takes up a much smaller space. And of course, it’s a much more environmentally responsible way to commute when you ride your bike and don’t get in your car. We all care about protecting the environment and biking leaves a much smaller sooty footprint, as well as helping you save money on petrol.

However, if you aren’t comfortable on a bike and need motorcycle training London has some of the best instructors at the London Motorcycle School. You may have heard of Scooterden and Motoden, and the London Motorcycle School is owned by the very same people. Bike riders are assured of the very best training under full authorization from the Driving Standard Agency.

If you ride a bike to work, you can expect to encounter different conditions, and ride in rain, wind or sun. The school, located in central London, focuses on helping aspiring riders to deal safely and efficiently with a variety of conditions, and react quickly to any situation while driving. Your goal is to be a confident and safe rider, and it’s our job to help you achieve that goal.

And no need to worry about paying extra for VAT, petrol, clothing, helmet and insurance as everything you need is covered in the fees. pay as you go classes are offered too.

When it comes to the best motorcycle training, London’s best school is ready to help you.